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An Emergency Meeting of the City Council was held in the Council Chamber on Thursday, May 30, 2002 at 6:00 P.M. for the purpose of confirming a declaration of emergency, to insure the security of the City of Salem water supply, and to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the city of Salem.  Notice of this meeting was posted on May 30, 2002 at 4:41 P.M.

        Councillors Harvey, Driscoll, O'Keefe were absent.  Councillor Sargent arrived later.

        Council President Regina R. Flynn presided.

        Councillor O'Leary moved to confirm the declaration of emergency to insure the security of the City of Salem water supply and to insure the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Salem.  It was so voted by a roll call vote of 7 yeas, 0 nays, 4 absent.  Councillors Bencal, Chuber, DeToma, Furey, Lovely, O'Leary, and Flynn were recorded as voting in the affirmative.  Councillors Driscoll, Harvey, O'Keefe, and Sargent were absent.

        Councillor O'Leary moved that the City Council adjourn to the City Council anteroom to hold the Executive Session, and at the end of the Executive Session, the Emergency meeting will continue.  It was so voted by a roll call vote of 7 yeas, 0 nays, 4 absent.  Councillors Bencal, Chuber, DeToma, Furey, Lovely, O'Leary, and Flynn were recorded as voting in the affirmative.  Councillors Driscoll, Harvey, O'Keefe, and Sargent were absent.

        Following the Executive Session, Councillor O'Leary moved that the Emergency meeting be continued.  It was so voted.

        Councillor O'Leary moved to authorize the Director of Public Services to expend up to $150,000.00 to secure the City of Salem Water Supply.  It was so voted by a roll call vote of 8 yeas, 0 nays, 3 absent.  Councillors Bencal, Chuber, DeToma, Furey, Lovely, O'Leary, Sargent, and Flynn were recorded as voting in the affirmative.  Councillors Driscoll, Harvey, O'Keefe were absent.

        Councilor O'Leary moved for immediate reconsideration in the hopes it would not prevail.  Reconsideration was denied.

        On the motion of Councillor O'Leary, the meeting adjourned at 6:40 P.M.

                                                        DEBORAH E. BURKINSHAW           
                                                        CITY CLERK


An Emergency Meeting of the City Council was held in the Council Chamber on Thursday, May 30, 2002 at 6:00 P.M. for the purpose of confirming the declaration of emergency regarding Wenham Lake Security and the security of the City of Salem water supply, at which time, the City Council by recorded roll call vote, went into Executive Session with the Director of Public Services to discuss matters of security.    Notice of this meeting was posted on May 30, 2002 at 4:46 P.M.

   Absent were Councillors Harvey, Driscoll, and O'Keefe.  Councillor Sargent arrived later.

    Council President Regina R. Flynn Presided.  

    President Flynn reminded everyone present that nothing stated or discussed in Executive Session can be discussed outside of the anteroom, and cannot be made public.        

   Council President Flynn then called upon Mr. Stanley Bornstein, Director of Public Services, to address the Council.

See minutes in canister in vault

On the motion of Councillor O'Leary, the executive session adjourned and the Emergency Meeting Continued.

ATTEST:                                         DEBORAH E. BURKINSHAW
                                                        CITY CLERK